
The Making of Mindy del 2
Filmning och projektionsdelen börjar ta form. Vi börjar testa med kamera och en liten projektor som vi hittat och behöver nu fastställa måtten så att Benoit kan bygga lådan Mindy ska vara i och som ska innehålla all utrustning. Det är en märklig känsla att se olika ansikten projiceras på mitt huvud. Jag känner en sorts närhet till dessa ansikten, dessa personer, som att de är lite mina efter att de projicerats på mitt huvud. Och att jag känner dem bättre, eller kanske att det påminner mig om hur lika vi ändå är.
4 October 2015
Mind Controlled Music
With Mind Controlled Music, the user can make musical decisions only by thinking. A head band is reading the alpha and theta waves of the brain.Alpha waves can be detected during meditation, when relaxing -and theta waves or more dominant when focusing, involving mathematics or language.

The music is divided into 3 categories:

1. drums/percussion
2. melodies/bass
3. harmonies/chords

When the player approach a portal one of the sounds is replaced with 2 alternative ones in the same category. By relaxing or focusing the player chose the desired one.

The music library is organized so that music elements that fit with other music elements are closer together on a map. the player can navigate on this map by making different choices. The map i not a flat one but a 80-sided ball, visualized to the lower left in the user interface.

Mind Controlled Music can produce 510000 possible combinations of music so it will never sound the same twice.

The project is a part of Megamind, a new ambitious science center at Sweden’s Musuem of Science and Technology. The project have also been supported financially by Konstnärsnämnden, Kulturbryggan and Innovativ kultur.

Mind Controlled Music has been developed and composed by Håkan Lidbo, Cornelia Sojdelius and Ludvig Elbaus, animations by Dan Spegel and initial programming by Jonatan Liljedal.

This is the user interface:

This is the intro video to make it easier for the visitors to understand the project:

Mind Controlled Music on Swedish TV:

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17 August 2011
Cornelia på Grolsch Block Party 2011
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28 June 2011    
MINDY feat. Cornelia & Mindy's Brain Activity Program

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